Big ideas, ever since I was small.

Hello! I’m Hannah, the girl behind Grammar and I’ve had an obsession with design, branding, printmaking and basically being creative since about 1983.

Moving on from the 80’s, I started my creative career working in TV - mainly kids TV - which was awesome, hilarious and exhausting. I also did a couple of years working backstage at festivals looking after bands like Primal Scream, The Fall and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers. That was pretty cool too.

About 10 years ago I left the TV and music industry (although I still dabble from time to time.) and started working on a creative industry network in Calderdale, where I live. I built a network of over 3000 creative businesses, freelancers, artists, tech-start-ups and all round creative folks. I hosted events with the likes of Horace Panter from The Specials and Patrick Burgoyne (then editor of Creative Review), ran workshops, promoted the creative economy in Calderdale and gave business advice to our members.

Following on from that I began working at a local development trust and anti-poverty charity as their marketing lead. It was whilst working there that I learnt a lot about privilege, access to opportunities and how some folk come through things most people couldn’t even imagine and still get up everyday determined to their best for themselves and their families. I like to think that I taught the charity that marketing, branding and awesome design isn’t something only huge corporations can afford, that self-promotion - even for a charity - isn’t a dirty word (or two words!) and that selling your strengths is something to be proud of.

So that’s me and my multi-hyphen career so far. Why not get in touch and tell me some things about you.